And every day DAYONE.

Today on average, a company exists for 14 years. This means that we at DAYONE still have a few years left to create new perspectives for our customers, their business models and digital products. And to develop a great organization for our employees. Okay, all kidding aside.

10 years ago to the day marked the official, notarized launch of DAYONE. We started as a design agency for mobile UX/UI. And just like mobile, grew and matured over the years. Personally, at the age of 25, I was naive enough not to think too much about what challenges we would eventually grow from. And believe me: that was a good thing.

A hybrid of boutique consultancy and agency. Knowing that design is not only result of joint work, but the way of working together. And the way of working together encourages innovation far more than any new technology.

With the successful conclusion of our first decade and today marking the beginning of our second, we have become a long-term partner for many of our clients in strategy, design and implementation. Far beyond the boundaries of good UX/UI. Volkswagen, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Telekom, TUI, KIND, Gruner+Jahr or BSR, to name a few. And to say thank you for involving us so deeply and constructively in your ideas, goals and projects.

DAYONE has matured into a hybrid of boutique consultancy and agency, with an understanding of design that shapes both outcome and way of working. Together with our clients, we design their digital business models (explore & exploit), the associated products, and are deeply engaged in bringing user-centric, agile ways of thinking and working into and beyond organizations.

We are still owner-managed today — even though there have been some external forces that have attempted to change that. Incredibly proud of 30 full-time employees in various design disciplines. And grateful for a great network of partners and freelancers who support our team with their expertise, commitment and passion at important moments.

Our employees were, are and will continue to be our most important asset. That is why we have been working since day one on an organization that enables successful projects with our clients. On the other hand, it promotes participation, responsibility, development and growth. And also demands that. Collegial leadership, circle organization, 32+8 working hours model, role profiles as well as a consulting and training program are important topics that we drive and develop together with the team.

Speaking of a consulting and training program: with DIaaS, Design Innovation as a Service, we have developed a framework that combines Design Thinking, Lean Innovation and a little DAYONE magic. It allows freedom for uncertainties and assumptions, new insights, for euphoria and dampeners as well as agile, user-centric ways of thinking and working. And yet sets conditions and orientation so that we always generate progress together.

As a team, we have celebrated many successes to date, and taken the odd defeat. With the death of our co-founder Holger, we suffered a blow of fate that taught us to live life despite all ambition and determination.

I could write a lot more at this point. But I won't, because we have something in the pipeline: in late fall, our first publication will be released. The YEARTEN playbook offers a deep insight behind the scenes of DAYONE. Into our brand, values, culture, ways of thinking and working. How we organize ourselves, find and develop talent. What we've learned from the past for the future. A playbook for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who not only want to lead teams, but empower them. Who are looking for inspiration, experience and knowledge to create a consistent and coherent organization. That is made by and for people. That generates effectiveness — economically and humanly.

We celebrate YEARTEN. And DAYONE every day. Thank you to everyone (you know who you are) who has supported us on our journey to this point. We are very much looking forward to trekking on with you. To new challenges, new faces and new, user-centric insights. Here's to more experience and, above all, to fun and passion.

Because I know two things very well: that in all these years, work has never felt like work, but rather a privilege. The freedom to work with fantastic people and to help shape what each day will bring. And, that together with this DAYONE spirit, we will surpass that 14 year average and move above and beyond with new perspectives.

PS: If you want to sign up today for updates and a free copy of our YEARTEN Playbook, you can do so here.